Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wait - Flight - Arrival

April 8-10, 2012 While I was in Los Gatos with my grandparents I visited with my Aunt Cindy and Uncle Reed and with my cousins Cliff, Jared and Thatcher. On Sunday we had a party and hid over 120 Easter eggs. My Cousins Pat, Diane, Michael, Amy, Ryan and Megan were there. We ate a lot of candy. After that there were two days of shopping for things for the trip. Finally it was our last night in Los Gatos, Aunt Cindy and Thatcher came over to go to dinner at Pasta Pomadoro with us. When we were finished with dinner, it was time for Oski to go home with Cindy for his dog vacation. I think he will miss Pop Pop a lot.
April 11, 2012 I woke up really early this morning because we are going to China. We packed up the car with all of our luggage and we were off to the San Francisco’s airport! We drove a long way on the freeway. We parked the car at a shuttle parking lot. We caught the shuttle to the airport. The driver was really in a bod mood. He said, “Hurry up! I’m late!” Other people got on the shuttle. Each time someone got on, the driver growled, “Hurry up! I’m late!” The shuttle dropped people off for domestic airlines. Then the driver drove to the international terminal and stopped. When he took our bags out of the back of the shuttle he was much more pleasant. We went into the terminal and checked in at Korean Air Lines. The person was really nice and checked our bags, gave us frequent travel miles and gave us out boarding passes. Now I am set to go but I’m hungry. Pop Pop found a restaurant and I ordered a hot dog and French fries.
After going through security we searched for our boarding area, A6. As we approached the stairs down to boarding area A6 we could see our plane. It was a very large blue plane with a Korean Air symbol on the tail.
At the bottom of the stairs was our boarding area. We had 30 minutes to wait. Our boarding area was a boring area. I could see the sign that told us that the plane we were getting was going to Seoul, Korea or Incheon.
When it was time to board our plane they lined us up and checked our tickets. Fortunately I got a window seat! Once on the plane I pulled out my half-read book “Inheritance” and started to read. I think I can finish this book before we get to Beijing.
It is a long trip. It takes 12 hours to fly from San Francisco to Korea. It will take another 2 hours to fly to Beijing. I actually finished my book on the flight. April 12, 2012 Landing in Beijing was a relief. After passing the International Dateline and being stuck in a plane seat for over 14 hours I was glad to get off the plane! We followed a sign to show our passports and visas. Then we picked up our luggage and met our greeter. He took us in a van across Beijing to our hotel right in the center of the city. We were told that the wake up call would be at 6:45 AM and we will meet the rest of the people in our group at 8:15 AM. I can’t wait.


  1. Leave that book for some lucky fantasy fan in China. It's too heavy to bring back home. So glad that you arrived safely. Get some rest.

  2. Hooray, you've arrived! I am looking forward to seeing your pictures of the city. It's GREAT to have you blogging!

  3. Woot! Yea i love the blog . I have it as my homepage!

  4. Very glad you made it. I know those long flights well, and it's good you had a big book to read.
